One must measure the value of one's days in presence

- Elva

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Brian Falcon (Bragi Valur)

Brian Falcon (Bragi Valur Guðjónsson) is a young and extremely talented Icelandic singer-songwriter. He is also the younger brother of Elva. Bragi Valur released his second album "22" in December 2022 and it is dedicated to Elva; the title referring to the number of years that she got to spend on this earth and enrich our lives with her beautiful being and light.

Auður Mist Eydal

Auður Mist Eydal is a very dear friend of Elva and an Icelandic artist. She is a vibrant and happy artist and sometimes a little quirtky. Most often Auður works with installations, video and textiles and tries to use art as a medium to proces immenent feelings. She has created several works and exhibitions that was inspired by and honouring Elva. 

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Hello world

Ragnheiður Íris Ólafsdóttir

Ragnheiður Íris is an Icelandic artist and beloved friend of Elva. Ragnheiður works with mixed media in her pieces which are very often combinations of different and colourful textiles centering on themes related to sex, identity, stereotypes and power structures. Many of Ragnheiðurs works has a very tactile quality to them. Ragnheiður has used Elva as a model in several of her works.

Matthías Már

Matthías Már (or MattiKrull which he calls himself) is an Icelandic autodidact multi artist who has created his own figurative expressionistic style in his paitings which most often are done with acryl. His style is colour- and chearful. Matthías Már is also a poet and writer and for several years he worked closely with Elva to develop his art work in joint creative sessions and through intense dialogue.

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